Can't find help?  Long waits?  Ignored?  Stuck?

Take Control of Your Mental Health

As a psychiatrist, I know how hard it is to find the mental health care you need and deserve to have in BC.

Don't let our broken system stop you! There's so much YOU can do to get the help you need… let me show you how!

Get started now
"Just ask for help" isn't enough… Where you look matters.

Discover what you're missing

  • How to find what you need and avoid what you don't
  • Low-cost, no-cost, and outside-the-box treatments
  • What you can—and can't—expect from professionals
  • Critical questions you need answers to
  • What to say to make sure you're heard
  • Your role in boosting treatment success
Get the Free Guide

Finding Help Should Be Easy

Mental Health is a core part of our health system.   So we're told:

“Just talk to someone.”
“Ask for help.” 

So you ask… 

There's just one problem...

WHAT you get depends on WHO and HOW you ask.

See ten different mental health professionals… you'll likely get ten different solutions.
  • Some treatments might take days, some weeks, some months, some years.
  • Some treatments might be free, some low cost, some extremely expensive.
  • Will they all work? No!

Will you get the help you need?

What if you don't see the right person?

What if you don't say the right thing?

How should you know what you need?
Who you should see? What you should say?
  • Will the person you see make sure you get the right help for you? No!
  • Will they even take the time and really listen to you? Not always…
  • Too many people go for years without getting the help they need. They're stuck. Often bouncing from one person to the next, hoping this time will be different…
Has anyone really listened to you?
explained everything?
made sure you're on the right track?
answered all your questions?

Better mental health is possible!

There is a path to better mental health that's right for you.

It's out there. 

There is a way to move forward.

You can get your life back. 

Get the real you back.

The opportunities to improve your mental health are virtually endless.

Not all of them are right for everyone.

But some of them are right for you.


The right solution for you is waiting to be found!

Here's the truth:

You don't need to wait any longer.

If you asked for help and didn't get it, you don't need to wait around. Hope that the next time you ask, you're given what you need. That what's offered to you will work. Or that you'll luck into the right person to ask next time.

You don't need to wait around passively for someone else to “fix you.” Mental health professionals can help you. But they don't always have the time, resources, or range of expertise to do it alone. They can't do everything.

That creates big gaps in your care. Those gaps can keep you from getting well.

You can help.
You can take a more active role.
You can fill many gaps in your care.

You just need to know how.

Ready for the mental health care you deserve? 

Let me show you, step-by-step, how to find the right care for you.

Protect yourself from needless mistakes and falling through the cracks.

Make the most of every opportunity. Take back control of your life.

Here's how I can help:

Start here!

Where do you find mental health help? Knowing what options are there, where to find them, and who to see for what is important, but confusing.

This free guide clears up the confusion, points you in the right direction, and saves you time, money, and frustration not knowing the right place to turn.

Get the Free Guide
Now Available to BC Residents!

How do you find the right treatment for you? Why is it so hard? How do you stay on the right track?

Take the mystery and confusion out of mental health and get your questions answered.

In this four-session, small-group course, Dr. Lysak will explore medications, therapy, supplements, lifestyle and more—and how you can best use them. Discover what you can do to get the help you need from a range of health professionals.

Learn More
Now Available!

This private, self-paced mini-course will quickly get your mental health care moving in the right direction.

Avoid the too-common pitfalls and mistakes that can derail your care. Discover easily-fixed problems that most people miss! Learn what to do today to find the right solutions for you.

Learn More
Now Available to BC Residents!

Need a roadmap to reduce trauma's impact on your life?

Worried the trauma component of your illness has been ignored?

This unique, comprehensive program will provide you with a detailed individual mental health assessment (not just about trauma) and introduce you to a variety of tools and strategies to better manage trauma.

Learn More

Hi there, I'm Dr. Pauline Lysak—

I empower people to find treatments that work.

I've been a psychiatrist for nearly 20 years, the last 8 in Victoria, BC. I constantly see patients who didn't get the care they needed. Ignored. On ineffective treatments. Obvious things were missed. They've fallen through the cracks, adrift to suffer, and left with no idea what they can do. For years.

We don't have nearly enough mental health resources; we use those we have poorly. In BC, tens of thousands don't get the help they need and deserve.

But I know that with a modest amount of education and time, many patients can meaningfully contribute so much to their own mental health treatment. 

YOU can make a HUGE difference in your own care. Let me show you how!

Learn More

"She is an exceptionally knowledgeable doctor who is a great communicator and provides needed education as well as treatment . I am extremely lucky to have her."

[ Testimonials on this site are genuine, but kept anonymous for privacy reasons. ]

"Just ask for help" isn't enough… Where you look matters.

Discover what you're missing

  • How to find what you need and avoid what you don't
  • Low-cost, no-cost, and outside-the-box treatments
  • What you can—and can't—expect from professionals
  • Critical questions you need answers to
  • What to say to make sure you're heard
  • Your role in boosting treatment success
Get the Free Guide